
ALAH High School 1:1 Initiative

Arthur Education Foundation Board

During the 2014-2015 school year Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School instituted a 1:1 initiative to advance the use of technology by our students. Schools with a 1:1 environment provide each student an electronic device to use in all curriculum areas both throughout the school day and at home.

 The pilot program started by providing each sophomore a Chromebook with the goal of having computers for all high school students by 2017-2018. With support from the CUSD #305 Education Foundation, local businesses, and other contributors, the district reached its goal a year early.

The price per device is $300 or approximately $25,000 per class. The district continues to pursue revenue from federal and state sources. However, those sources are limited. The Foundation is requesting continuing support from our alumni, community members, and business owners. We truly appreciate your participation in funding this initiative.

100 People Who Care

100 People Who Care

A fundraising initiative of the District #305 Education Foundation. We invite those interested to join this group to share in supporting educational opportunities for the students in our district. Members of this group will gather four times a year to socialize with others who care, to learn about exciting events involving our students and to aid in funding future events sponsored by the Education Foundation. A pledge of $200 a year which can be paid in installments of $50 per meeting is all that is required as well as a commitment to support our faculty, staff and, most importantly, our students. The $20,000 per year from those 100 People will go a long way to support senior scholarships, faculty mini-grants and 1-to-1 Chrome Books, among other projects of the Foundation. A facebook page, 100 People Who Care ALAH District #305, provides more information and a means to join this amazing group of people.


For the past two years the District #305 Education Foundation has given mini-grants to faculty who have requested extra funds for projects. This enables the teachers to bring new and exciting learning to their classrooms that they might otherwise not have been able to provide. Grants up to a $500 limit are awarded and the Education Foundation has supplied over $10,000 to teachers and our students to enhance their education. The mini-grants have provided for reading projects, updated science equipment, social studies lessons, cultural excursions, owl pellet dissection, aquaponic equipment, Kindle tablets, posters, banners and a host of other items for all ages from kindergarten to high school seniors. 

 social studies grant Science Grant


The District #305 Education Foundation also provides scholarships each year to graduates of Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond. Students are asked to apply and the board reviews those applications and chooses three from that group. The Education Foundation is pleased to be able to help our students further their education with a monetary gift to be used in whatever way they choose. With increased funding we hope to be able to increase the number and amounts awarded.


CUSD #305 Education Foundation $10,000 Donors

Rod Randall and Danny Powell unwrapping and attaching plates to the new CUSD #305 Education Foundation plaque for $10,000 donors. The two plates honor Ed Heerdt and Heritage Family Farms. Thank you for your gracious donation.