Over the years residents, businesses, and community organizations have shown a sincere commitment to the quality of education that the Arthur, Atwood, Hammond, and Lovington schools provide. This commitment continues today with the reformation of the District #305 Education Foundation. Through the Foundation, local businesses, alumni, and community members are working together to supplement traditional educational funding in order to complement and enhance educational opportunities for our community’s children. The District #305 Education Foundation was created to complement and enhance the educational opportunities of students attending schools in the communities of Arthur, Atwood, Hammond, and Lovington. by attracting private and corporate donations, the Foundation can provide educational enrichment programs, services, and activities not normally financed by tax dollars. these added educational opportunities for students, staff, parents, and the community can make a difference between good school system and an excellent one.
President Rod Randall, randall.rod@gmail.com
Secretary Carol Smith, Lovington Alumni Assoc. Rep, carolsmi62@gmail.com
Treasurer Shelley Martina, martina4@one-eleven.net
Shannon Cheek, Superintendent, cheeks@cusd305.org
Kristie Mechling, School Board Member, mecklingk@cusd305.org
Ryan Nettles, School Board Member, nettlesr@cusd305.org
Marty Yeakel, Arthur Alumni Assoc. Rep, mkyeakel@gmail.com
Stan Harris, Atwood-Hammond Alumni Rep, stan-harris@harriscompanies.
Danny Powell, drpowell47@hotmail.com
Established in 1998 as a tax-exempt corporation and organized under laws of the State of Illinois, the District #305 is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are dedicated to educational excellence for this communities children. The Foundation’s Board of Directors operates independently of the Arthur District #305 and is responsible for the financial management of the Foundations funds.